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Gas hydrate-related proxies inferred from multidisciplinary investigations in the India offshoe areas

DRS at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography

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Title Gas hydrate-related proxies inferred from multidisciplinary investigations in the India offshoe areas
Creator Ramana, M.V.
Ramprasad, T.
Desa, M.
Sathe, A.V.
Sethi, A.K.
Subject Indian Ocean
seismic reflection
Description The presence of gas hydrates along the Indian continental margins has been speculated by earlier workers based on the identification of Bottom Simulating Reflection (BSR) on the multichannel seismic reflection records and computed gas hydrate stability zone thickness map. The BSR alone is inadequate to infer gas hydrates as suggested by drilling results elsewhere. Therefore, to understand the subsurface distribution of gas hydrates along the continental margins of India, multidisciplinary investigations have been undertaken. The observed geophysical anomalies (BSRs, pockmarks, gas upthrust zones, vents, blanking zones, etc.) in association with the geochemical (sulphate reduction trend and increase in methane flux with core depth) and microbiological proxy indicators (sulphate and nitrate- reducing bacteria, and fermenters) favour the presence of gas hydrates in some of the Indian offshore regions.
Date 2006-09-02T10:57:14Z
Type Journal Article
Identifier Current Science. vol.91(2), 183-189p.
Language en
Format 330460 bytes
Publisher Indian Academy of Sciences