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Distribution of dissolved, particulate and mud phosphorus in vellar estuary

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Title Distribution of dissolved, particulate and mud phosphorus in vellar estuary
Creator Rajendran, A.
Venugopalan, V. K.
Description 13-18
Distribution of various fractions of dissolved, particulate and mud phosphorus at different stations in Vellar estuary from August 1970 to July 1971 is studied. Vellar estuary is marine dominated in late summer and in the premonsoon period, when the per cent of organic P is high. The early summer and postmonsoon periods experience two phytoplankton blooms, when the per cent of inorganic phosphate is relatively high despite low concentrations of total as well as reactive phosphate. Severe stirring up of bottom sediments due to the shallowness of the estuary apart from increasing the amount of particulate matter in the water helps in the release and transport of phosphorus from the sediments to the overlying waters. The percentage of particulate reactive phosphorus to total particulate phosphorus is high in the premonsoon season and low in summer, most important source of particulate organic phosphorus in Vellar estuary are the phytoplankton and the river-borne detrital matter. The contribution by autochthonous source is high after the blooms and the allochthonous materials are considerably brought to the estuary by the monsoon floods. Total P in the mud is high during the monsoon and summer months and low in the pre- and postmonsoon months, when the concentration of adsorbed and interstitial P is high. Sudden changes in salinity due to alternate flushing of the estuary with freshwater and high saline neritic water seem to control the concentration of adsorbed and interstitial P in the mud. The importance of land drainage and freshwater runoff to the phosphate balance in Vellar estuary is also obvious. The ecological role of the bottom sediments and its buffering mechanism in maintaining the phosphate content of the overlying water are discussed.
Date 2017-01-04T05:28:06Z
Type Article
Identifier 0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print)
Language en_US
Rights CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India
Publisher NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Source IJMS Vol.02(1) [June 1973]