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Title LINE X TESTER ANALYSIS OVER ENVIRONMENTS IN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)
Contributor DANGARIA C. J.
Subject environment
Description The present investigation entitled “Line x tester analysis over environments in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)” was undertaken at the Instructional Farm, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during three consecutive seasons i.e. kharif (E1), early summer (E2) and late summer (E3) in the year 2007. The experimental material comprised of 10 lines viz., GO-2, JOL-06-S-2, JOL-06-S-3, JOL-06-S-4, JOL-06-S-5, JOL-06-S-6, JOL-06-S-7, JOL-06-S-8, JOL-01 and Pant Bhindi; four testers namely JOL-06-S-01 Parbhani Kranti, HRB-55 and Pusa Sawani; their 40 hybrids derived from line x tester mating. These 54 genotypes were evaluated in a Randomized Block Design with three replications in all the three seasons/environments. Observations were recorded on days to 50 % flowering, number of nodes per plant, internodal length, plant height, number of branches per plant, fruit length, fruit girth, number of fruits per plant and fruit yield per plant.
The pooled analysis of variance revealed significant variations among the parents, hybrids and parents vs. hybrids for all the
Experimental Results
characters under investigation except days to 50 % flowering and internodal length for parents vs. hybrids indicating the presence of considerable genetic diversity in the material studied. The mean squares due to environments were also significant for all the traits. Parents, hybrids and parents vs. hybrids mean squares interacted significantly with varying environments for all the traits except P x E for number of branches per plant and (P vs. H) x E for internodal length, plant height, number of branches per plant and fruit length indicating variable response of the genotypes in different environments. The magnitudes of heterotic effect were higher for fruit yield per plant and number of branches per plant; moderate for number of fruits per plant and number of nodes per plant and low for fruit length, fruit girth, days to 50 % flowering and internodal length. The four crosses viz., JOL-06-S-5 x HRB-55, JOL-06-S-3 x Pusa Sawani, GO-2 x Parbhani Kranti and GO-2 x Pusa Sawani manifested significant and desirable heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for fruit yield per plant. The high heterosis for fruit yield per plant resulted from significant and positive heterosis for number of fruits per plant. Non-additive type of gene action was involved in the expression of fruit yield and yield attributing traits. The parents GO-2, JOL-06-S-5 and HRB-55 were good general combiners for fruit yield per plant and its component traits. There is no corresponds between gca effects of parents and their per se performance for majority of the traits studied.
Experimental Results
The high yielding hybrid JOL-06-S-5 x HRB-55 had high sca
effects for fruit yield per plant and number of fruits per plant as well
as desirable sca effect for earliness. Other two hybrids viz., GO-2 x
Parbhani Kranti and JOL-01 x Pusa Sawani also exhibited high sca
effects for fruit yield per plant. The high sca effects for above
mentioned hybrids were also accompanied with high heterosis as well
as high per se performance.
The stability analysis exhibited significant differences among the
genotypes (G), environments (E) and G x E interactions for all the
traits except for fruit girth indicating variable response of different
genotypes for various traits under varied agro-climatic conditions. The
results on environmental index revealed that early summer season
was most congenial for fruit yield per plant and majority of the yield
attributing traits. Higher magnitude of mean squares due to E (linear)
as compared to G x E (linear) indicated that linear response of
environment accounted for the major part of total variation for
majority of the characters.
The parents JOL-06-S-7, JOL-01, JOL-06-S-1 and Parbhani
Kranti were observed to be stable for fruits yield and its components.
On the basis of three stability parameters viz., overall mean (X ),
regression coefficient (bi) and deviation from regression (S2di), it was
observed that among the hybrids JOL-06-S-5 x HRB-55, GO-2 x
Parbhani Kranti, JOL-01 x Pusa Sawani, JOL-06-S-8 x JOL-06-S-1,
JOL-06-S-6 x HRB-55, Pant Bhindi x Parbhani Kranti , JOL-06-S-4 x
HRB-55 and JOL-06-S-1 x Parbhani Kranti were found most widely
adapted for fruits yield and its components.
Experimental Results
In, all, on the basis of per se performance, heterobeltiosis, standard heterosis, sca effects and stability for fruit yield per plant, four crosses viz., JOL-06-S-5 x HRB-55, GO-2 x Parbhani Kranti, JOL-01 x Pusa Sawani and JOL-06-S-8 x JOL-06-S-1 could be exploited for heterosis breeding. These crosses are also expected to throw desirable transgressive segregants in the advanced generations, which the breeders can handle through reciprocal recurrent selection and pedigree method for developing high yielding lines in okra.
Date 2016-09-21T09:10:00Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Format application/pdf