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Isolation and characterization of brassinosteroids from leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze


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Title Isolation and characterization of brassinosteroids from leaves
of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze
Creator Gupta, D
Bhardwaj , R
Nagar , P K
Kaur, S
Subject Plant Biotechnology
Description Brassinosteroids are of ubiquitous occurrence in plants and elicit a wide spectrum of physiological responses.
In our study, brassinosteroids were isolated and identified in topmost dormant leaves of tea plants.
Six brassinosteriods, i.e. 6-deoxocastasterone, 24-epibrassinolide,3-dehydroteasterone, typhasterol, 3-deoxotyphasterol
and 28-homodolicholide, were isolated and identified by GC–MS. All the brassinosteroids
identified belong to important components of early and late C6 oxidation pathways proposed for brassinosteroids
biosynthesis in plants. It suggests that both pathways are operating in tea to produce brassinolide,
the most active brassinosteroid biologically.
Date 2004
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Gupta, D and Bhardwaj , R and Nagar , P K and Kaur, S (2004) Isolation and characterization of brassinosteroids from leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Plant Growth Regulation, 43 (2). pp. 97-100.