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Protein phosphatase complement in rice: genome-wide identification and transcriptional analysis under abiotic stress conditions and reproductive development

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Title Protein phosphatase complement in rice: genome-wide identification and transcriptional analysis under abiotic stress conditions and reproductive development
Creator Singh, Amarjeet
Giri, Jitender
Kapoor, Sanjay
Tyagi, Akhilesh K.
Pandey, Girdhar K.
Subject Protein phosphatase
abiotic stress
genome-wide identification
transcriptional analysis
Description Protein phosphatases are the key components of a number of signaling pathways where they modulate various cellular responses. In plants, protein phosphatases constitute a large gene family and are reportedly involved in the regulation of abiotic stress responses and plant development. Recently, the whole complement of protein phosphatases has been identified in Arabidopsis genome. While PP2C class of serine/threonine phosphatases has been explored in rice, the whole complement of this gene family is yet to be reported.
This work is partially supported
by internal grants of University of Delhi, Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Biotechnology (DBT) India to
GKP. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India, supported research
work in SK’s and AKT’s lab. AS and JG acknowledge CSIR, India for
research fellowship.
Date 2014-02-24T09:53:46Z
16 July 2010
Type Article
Identifier BMC Genomics, 11: 435
Language en
Publisher BioMed Central