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Development and quality evaluation of low fat buffalo calf meat sausages


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Title Development and quality evaluation of low fat buffalo calf meat sausages
Creator Jairath, Gauri
Contributor Dabur, R.S.
Subject TSPP, Corn starch, Skim milk powder, TBA, Low fat, Low calorie
Description The object ive of the pr esent study was to develop low fat buffa lo ca lf mea t
sa usa ges by opt imiz ing the phospha te level a nd tumbl ing t ime for emulsion pr eparat ion
a nd select ion of opt imum level of fat r epla ce r followed by eva luat ion of pr oduct
chara cte r ist ics a nd stora ge sta bility of developed sausa ges. Out of thr ee phospha tes viz.
sodium t r ip olyp hosp ha t e, s odium hexa meta p hosp h a te a nd t et r a s odium p yr op hosp ha t e
(TSPP), thr ee level s of inc or p or a t ion ( 0. 3, 0. 4 a nd 0. 5%) a nd t hr ee tumb l ing t ime (1, 2
a nd 3 h), 0. 4% TSPP a t 2 h of tumb l ing t ime wa s s elec t ed f or low fa t emu l s ion
pr epa r a t ion on t he ba s is of WHC, ES a nd s ens or y eva lua t ion. T he t wo fa t r ep la c er s i. e.
c or n sta r c h a nd s kim mi lk p owder (SMP) ea c h a t 3, 6 a nd 9% level wer e t r ied f or t h e
sa usa ges pr epa r a t ion. S ix p er c ent level of c or n sta r c h a nd 3% of SMP wer e s elec t ed o n
the ba s is of WHC, ES a nd s ens or y eva lua t ion. The emulsions of develop ed low fa t
sa usa ges ha d significa nt ly high pH, WHC, ES a nd moistur e content , but significa nt ly
lower fat content in compar ison to high fa t sa usa ges (SF). The develop ed cooked sausa ges
ha d significa nt ly higher cooking yield a nd moistur e cont ent , but ha d significa nt ly lower
shea r for ce va lue, har dness a nd thiobar bitur ic a cid (TBA) va lue a nd 40-43% lower ca lor ie
content tha n SF pr oduct s. The develop ed low fa t sa usa ges wer e ë ver y muchí l iked b y
sensor y pa nellist s. The developed sausa ges wer e stored a er obica lly a t 4±1°C a nd eva luat ed
at 5 da ys inter va l for 20 da ys. The develop ed low fa t pr oduct s exhibited signif ica nt ly lower
TBA a nd fr ee fa t ty a cid va lues thr oughout the stora ge p er iod. Al l the pr oduct s wer e
micr obiologica lly sa fe up to 10 da ys. Ther efor e, the pr oduct s wer e or ga nolept ica lly
eva lua ted up to 10 da ys. The developed pr oducts had 9-17 % lower cost of pr oduct ion in
compar ison to SF. Hence , the developed low fat buffalo calf me at sausage s ha ve comme rcia l
significa nce as low-calorie product at lowe r cost for be t te r marke tability.
Date 2016-10-13T13:23:38Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher LUVAS