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Genetic divergence and character association in clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub]


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Title Genetic divergence and character association in clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub]
Creator Neeraj Kumar
Contributor Khatri, R.S.
Subject Costs, Manpower, Productivity, Tillage equipment, Diseases, Area, Crops, Economics, Biological development, Biological phenomena
Description An attempt was made to s tudy the genetic di versi ty amongst 50 genotypes of
c lusterbean. Signific ant diff er ence f or various trai ts i ndicated s ub sta nti al amo unt of
varia bili ty exist ed amo ng the ge notypes for all t raits. High herita bili ty c oupled wi th high
genetic a dvance was observed for number of branches per pla nt, seed yield per pla nt and
most of the trai ts. Based on relat ive magnitu de of genetic dist ances 50 genotypes were
grouped i nto 8 c lus te rs. The clust er IV comprising 14 genotypes followed by c lust er V
c onsi st ing of 11 genotypes, c lus ter II wi th 10 genotypes, cl ust er I with 9 genotypes ,cluster
VIII with 3 genotypes, while reaming cluster III, VI and VII cont ai n single genotype. No
c orresp onde nce was obser ved be tween the geographical a nd t he genetic diversi ty, but
dist ri bution of genotypes were random and indep endent. The magnitude of inte r-c lust er
dista nce was greater t han intr a- cluster distanc es, suggest ing presence of di ver si ty among
the cl usters. The maximum inter cl uster dist ance was observed be t ween cluster V a nd
VIII (94.36) follo wed by cluster VI a nd VIII ( 71.44). The use of genotypes in
hyb ridizati on f rom these c lusters having most of the desirable c haracters is l ikely to
pr oduce more t ransgres si ve s egregants . In general ge notypic c orrelation c oe ffi ci ents were
higher in magni tude than their phe notypic c or relation c oe ffici ents. Seed yi eld per pla nt
was found to be positively and signifi ca nt ly cor related with plant height, number of branches
per plant, number of pods per pla nt, number of seeds per pod and pod length. Path analysis
re vealed th at characte rs such as number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and
100 - seed weight were the ma jor co mponent t raits of s eed yi eld and he nce these chara cters
s hould be gi ven prio rity in sele ction in view of their high heritability c oupled wi th high
genetic adva nce also. The genotypes RGC 1055, HG 884, HGS 182, HG-870, HVG 2-30, HGS
100, RGC 986, HGS 182 and RGC 11-3 selected f rom vari ous divergent cl uste rs having most
of t he desira ble characters were id enti fied as pro mis ing on the basis of genetic div erg ence
a nd per se pe rforma nce f or se veral t raits particularly f or s eed yield gum c ontent and protein
content. It can be used in future bree di ng progr amme for improving se ed yi eld and
c omponent t raits in order to e nhance the productivi ty of c lusterbe an.
Date 2016-10-21T14:09:04Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher CCSHAU