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Genetic va riability for re sponse to rhizobial sp. a nd Piriformospora indica for nodulatio n and seed yield in mung bea n [Vigna radiata (L. ) Wi lc zek]


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Title Genetic va riability for re sponse to rhizobial sp. a nd Piriformospora indica for nodulatio n and seed yield in mung bea n [Vigna radiata (L. ) Wi lc zek]
Creator Jangra, Devesh
Contributor Yadav, Rajesh
Subject Mungb ean, Nodulation , Piriformospora indica, Rhizobium, Seed yield
Description A study was c arried ou t wi t h ten mungb ean genoty pe s and three mi crobial tre atments to est imate
the genot y p i c variat ion f or root in f ection to Piriformospo r a i ndica , nodulati on, N and P uptake and yield
comp onents and also to iden tify the genoty pes resp onsive to mungb ean Rhiz obi um and P. ind i ca.
Ob servations wer e r ecorded on si x teen morphologi cal , s ymb ioti c , N and P up t ake and yie l d a tt r ibut es.
Signi f icant genoty p ic di ff er enc es f or al l characters i ndicated presence of consider ab l e variab i li ty. All the
microb ial treatments and Geno ty p e X Microbial interac tion di ffered significant ly exc ep t da y s to 5 0%
fl owering, day s t o maturit y, branches/plan t and s eeds / p od, mean i ng thereb y tha t the genot y p es intera cted
di ff e rentl y wi th di f ferent microbial t rea tmen t s. High heritab i lity a ccomp anied with high g enetic advanc e
were observed for 1 00 seeds wei ght , seed y ield , plant height , pods/p l ant, b ranches/plant and N and P
content in grains. S eed yield exhibited posit ive correlat ion wi th pods/plant , branches / p l ant, 1 00 seed
wei ght , nodules /plant, nodul es dr y we ight, N content in shoot and grai ns, P conten t in gra i ns and P. indica
infec ti on i n roots. Nodulation exhi b i ted positi v e correlat i on wit h nodules dr y weight, shoot dr y weight, N
content in shoo t and gra i ns, P content in grains and s eed y ield . The t r aits a f fec ted most b y Rh i zob i u m
inoculation i n major ity of the genoty pes were plan t he ight, pods/ p l ant, nodules /plant, nodules dr y w eigh t , N
content in grain and shoo t and se ed yield. P. i ndica infection in roots was observed >50% i n e i ght
genoty p es, however, i ts effec t wa s ob served only in a few genoty p es f or plan t height, P content in shoot ,
100 seed weight and gr ains and se ed yie ld. The e ff e ct of comb ined i noculation (R+P) coul d be observed in
N content in grain, P. ind i ca i n f ection in roots and seed yield. MH-8 10 and MH-721 were the onl y
genoty p e i n which t he effect o f al l t he three inoculants was observed. MH-421exhi b i ted max imum response
of Rh i zob i um and dual i noculation. The genot y p es eva luated in t his stud y for the ab ove tra i ts can be used in
future b reedi ng programmes o f mungb ean improvement
Date 2016-09-17T15:04:54Z
Type Thesis
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher CCSHAU