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IPR Registration in Fashion Industry of India

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Title IPR Registration in Fashion Industry of India
Creator Agarwal, Vishaka
Subject Fashion industry
Industrial design
Community Design Protection System
Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act
Theory of ’Piracy Paradox’
Description 35-40
Fashion industry plays an important role in Indian Economy. The paper aims to identify the reasons for low rate of registration of Industrial Design, Copyright, Patent and Trademark by the Indian fashion industry. With wide range of products of Fashion apparel, Accessories and Life style products being produced in India and exported to the world but the designers and export houses do not actively do registration of IPR of ‘New’ Product developed. Field survey was conducted and questionnaire was administered to respondents to collect response from them regarding their awareness towards IPR registration and its benefits. From the study it was concluded that though many sectors are unaware of IPR registration, Designers and corporate who are aware are still slow in registration due to complication in filing procedure of IPR registration, cost involved and having less knowledge about the benefits of registration. However, due to efforts of Indian Government the IPR registration rate are increasing but still due to complexity in IPR registration law the ‘Inventor’ is still not clear of his rights.
Date 2019-08-23T07:32:44Z
Type Article
Identifier 0975-1076 (Online); 0971-7544 (Print)
Language en_US
Rights CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India
Publisher NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Source JIPR Vol.24(1-2) [January-March 2019]