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Dataset of grain damage and seed quality of maize stored for three and six months in the Central Highlands of Mexico in 2019

CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network Dataverse OAI Archive

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Title Dataset of grain damage and seed quality of maize stored for three and six months in the Central Highlands of Mexico in 2019
Creator Verhulst, Nele
Odjo, Sylvanus
Palacios, Natalia
Publisher CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network
Description The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) implemented storage experiments in 2019 at the experiment station of El Batán Texcoco, the State of Mexico, Mexico (2282 m above sea level), to evaluate the impact of storage technologies on seed of maize landraces. Experimented were conducted on four Mexican landraces during three and six months of storage and compared the effectiveness of farmers' conventional storage practices (polypropylene bags) and hermetic technologies (either the GrainPro Hermetic SuperGrainbag® Premium RZ, a hermetic bag with a Zip system, or plastic bottles used as airtight storage technologies) in minimizing seed losses and maintaining germination. Data collected include: (1) characteristics of the maize that was stored (name of landrace, moisture content, temperature) (2) grain damage data (percentage of insect-damaged grain, percentage of kernel without damage, weight loss) before and after storage experiments; (3) number of live insects per 500 g of sample (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, Prostephanus truncatus Horn, Sitotroga cerealella Olivier); (4) seed quality parameters (percentages of normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings, germination, non-germinated viable seeds, non-germinated non-viable seeds).
Subject Agricultural Sciences
storage losses
seed germination
hermetic technologies
Language English
Contributor Verhulst, Nele