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Sensory Evaluation of Different Pashmina Shawls

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Title Sensory Evaluation of Different Pashmina Shawls
Not Available
Creator D B Shakyawar, V V Kadam, Ajay Kumar, S R Mathuriya, Pramod Kumar
Subject Blended fibre, Nylon, Polyvinayl alcohol, Pashmina shawl, Sensory evaluation, Smoothness, Softness
Description Not Available
Pashmina shawls prepared from different hand spun, machine
spun and blended yarns have been evaluated subjectively. The
important handle properties, such as softness, smoothness, lustre
and total hand value, have been assessed by sensory evaluation
through expert judges of different age and gender. The correlation
coefficient between the groups for individual property has been
determined. The softness and smoothness values show highest
agreement between different groups followed by smoothness and
total hand value. The good agreement between groups indicates that
the difference in pashmina shawl manufacturing and blend
composition can be distinguished. The subjective test results have
been compared with FAST objective values and a good correlation
is observed.
Not Available
Date 2021-05-19T05:36:15Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research