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Book Review Title: Evolution of Fisheries and Aquaculture in India.

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Title Book Review
Title: Evolution of Fisheries and Aquaculture in India.
Not Available
Creator Menon,N G
Subject Aquaculture, GDP
Description Not Available
The fisheries sector plays a pivotal role in
global economics through generation of
wealth and employment potential for an
ever-increasing population. This sector in
India contributes significantly towards the
above human needs with an annual turn
over of abov e Rs.220 billion forming 1.4% of the total GDP and 4.6% of agricultural GDP. This book is an outcome of a joint venture by two experts, Drs.N.G.K. Pillai and
Pradeep K. Katiha from marine and inland
sectors respectively. The authors took all
efforts to cull out relevant information
published over the last 65 years on capture
and culture fisheries of inland/marine
habitats. This book is recommeded to fishery students
and college/university libraries where
fisheries form part of the carriculam as a
reference guide.
Not Available
Date 2021-09-08T06:28:52Z
Type Article
Identifier Not Available
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available
Publisher CMFRI