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Diet composition of oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps (Val. 1847) from Mumbai waters of Maharashtra, India.

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Title Diet composition of oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps (Val. 1847) from Mumbai waters of Maharashtra, India.
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Creator Ahirwal SK*, Jaiswar AK, Chakraborty SK
Subject Sardinella longiceps, Feeding intensity, Index of Preponderance, Condition factor, Mumbai
Description Not Available
Present study is based on the examination of gut contents of 422 fishes, collected from Mumbai coast, Maharashtra. Based on index of preponderance values, diatoms (60.97%) and zooplankton (25.79%) were found to be the major components of the food. Month wise gut content showed that among the diatoms Cosinodiscus spp. (17.43%), was most dominant followed by Fragilaria oceanica (14.34%) and Pleurosigma spp.(10.86%), in the zooplankton copepods were the most occurred throughout the year, contributing maximum in the May (15.94%) and least in January (4.79%). Gastro somatic index in males and females ranged from 0.80 to 1.41 and 0.72 to 1.60 respectively with there is no significance difference between males and females (P >0.05). Month wise feeding intensity was observed to be highest, for both sexes during May and length wise in smaller size groups (120-129 mm).
Not Available
Date 2022-06-20T09:24:43Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
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Language English
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Publisher Research Gate