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Temperature accelerates photoperiod mediated testicular maturity in Clarias magur (Hamilton, 1822).

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Title Temperature accelerates photoperiod mediated testicular maturity in Clarias magur (Hamilton, 1822).
Not Available
Creator Chakravarty S, Chadha NK, Mahapatra BK, Sawant PB, Dasgupta S*
Subject Clarias magur, Male maturity, Photoperiod, Above ambient Temperature, Histology
Description Not Available
In teleost fishes exhibiting circadian rhythm in their breeding behavior, the major determinants controlling the annual reproductive cycle are the Photoperiod and temperature. Manipulation of these two parameters can cause significant changes in the gonadal maturity of the air breathing as well as non-air breathing fishes and is widely documented. In this study, male Clarias magur individuals (n=150) were subjected to different combinations of photoperiod, ambient and above ambient temperature to
see their effect on the gonadal maturity status of the fishes in early recrudescent phase (February- March). Combination of long photoperiod (14L: 10 D) and above ambient temperature (28 ÂșC) has a profound effect on the gonadal maturity of the male Clarias magur which is exhibited by significant changes in GSI, SVSI and gonadal histology. This study shows it is possible to get mature male Clarias magur individuals in as early as in
the month of April or May, using a very very simple farmer friendly setup, to start the breeding cycle before the monsoon arrives.
Not Available
Date 2022-06-22T09:29:15Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
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Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Excellent Publishers