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Impact of Tsunami Relief Measures on the Socio-Economic Condition of Fishers in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

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Title Impact of Tsunami Relief Measures on the Socio-Economic Condition of Fishers in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Not Available
Creator Joshua NE, Sharma A, Gopan A
Subject Linkage, Social condition, Economic condition, Annual income, Migration.
Description Not Available
Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 killed more people than all Pacific Ocean Tsunamis combined for 19th and 20th centuries resulting in a heavy loss of life and property. With this background, a study was undertaken to learn about the impact of relief measures on the socio-economic conditions of the fishers. The area selected for the study was Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu and Kollam district in Kerala were selected for the purpose. Primary data collection was done through personal interviews, focused group discussion and meetings with department officials and NGO personnel and Tsunami victims, both men and women in affected areas in Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu and Alappad village in Kerala. Number of fishers selected for the study was 160. Paired t test showed a significant difference with respect to usage of several service providers by the affected fishers pre and post Tsunami. It was reported that community spirit developed in them after Tsunami and earning capacities reduced after Tsunami especially in agriculture due to increased salinity and also in fisheries.
Not Available
Date 2022-06-22T09:24:31Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
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Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Research Gate