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Constitutive expression of Ribosomal Protein L6 modulates salt tolerance in rice transgenic plants

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Title Constitutive expression of Ribosomal Protein L6 modulates salt tolerance in rice transgenic plants
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Creator Mazahar Moin, Anusree Saha, Achala Bakshi , M S Madhav , P B Kirti
Subject Ribosomal Protein, transgenic rice, secondary metabolite
Description Not Available
We have functionally characterized the RPL6, a Ribosomal Protein Large subunit gene for salt stress tolerance in rice. The overexpression of RPL6 resulted in tolerance to moderate (150 mM) to high (200 mM) levels of salt (NaCl). The transgenic rice plants expressing RPL6 constitutively showed better phenotypic and physiological responses with high quantum efficiency, accumulation of higher chlorophyll and proline contents, and an overall increase in seed yield compared with the wild type in salt stress treatments. An iTRAQ-based comparative proteomic analysis revealed the high expression of about 333 proteins among the 4378 DAPs in a selected overexpression line of RPL6 treated with 200 mM of NaCl. The functional analysis showed that these highly accumulated proteins (HAPs) are involved in photosynthesis, ribosome and chloroplast biogenesis, ion transportation, transcription and translation regulation, phytohormone and secondary metabolite signal transduction. An in silico network analysis of HAPs predicted that RPL6 binds with translation-related proteins and helicases, which coordinately affect the activities of a comprehensive signaling network, thereby inducing tolerance and promoting growth and productivity in response to salt stress. Our overall findings identified a novel candidate, RPL6, whose characterization contributed to the existing knowledge on the complexity of salt tolerance mechanism in plants.
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Date 2022-04-02T17:31:38Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Mazahar Moin, Anusree Saha, Achala Bakshi, M.S. Madhav, PB Kirti, Constitutive expression of Ribosomal Protein L6 modulates salt tolerance in rice transgenic plants, Gene, Volume 789, 2021, 145670, ISSN 0378-1119,
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Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Science Direct