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Effect of different weed management practices on seed yield and quality of vegetable pea.

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Title Effect of different weed management practices on seed yield and quality of vegetable pea.
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Creator T. Chaubey
Manimurugan Chinnappa
Nakul Gupta
Rajesh Kumar
Subject herbaceous, Fabaceae
Description Not Available
Garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) also known as vegetablepea is an herbaceous annual of Fabaceae (Leguminosae)family, originally from the Mediterranean basin and nearEast, but now widely grown in India for its green seedpod. It occupies 0.49 mha area and its annual productionis around 4.81 mt (NHB 2014). Uttar Pradesh is thehighest producer of vegetable pea. Pea is highly nutritivecontaining high percentage of protein (6.2g/100g of freshwt.) and carbohydrate (16.9g/100g of fresh wt.) alongwith minerals vitamin A, B and C (Makasheva 1983). Itis well understood that weeds interfere with crop growthand reduce yield and quality either through the competitionfor light, food, water, nutrients, space, allelopathic effector harbor insects & diseases (Dittmar and Boyd 2015).Along with competition, weeds in seed production fieldalso give risk of seed purity contamination. Pea is verysensitive to the competition of weeds because of its shortlife cycle, sparse canopy and shallow roots. Widerspacing provides the luxurious growth of weed duringthe crop growth periods. Hence, early season weedcontrol is extremely important, and a major emphasison control should be made during this period. Weedspresent at harvest reduce harvest efficiency and increasemechanical damage to the pods (Dittmar and Boyd2015). Variable climatic conditions and soil typesinfluence the severity and diversity of weeds. So thereis a need to develop total weed control program thatintegrates chemical, mechanical, and cultural methodswhich can overcome weed problems and best suitablefor production practices. Considering these points, thepresent study was conducted to evaluate the effect ofdifferent weed management practices on seed yield andquality of vegetable pea cv. Kashi Udai and to identify
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Date 2020-06-04T10:27:17Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
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Language English
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Publisher Not Available