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Root and tuber crops in Dominica, West Indies


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Title Root and tuber crops in Dominica, West Indies
Creator Sorhaindo, C.A.
Subject manihot esculenta
statistical data
starch crops
datos estadísticos
Description An analysis is made of both the land available for 6 root crops- -Colocasia esculenta, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, yam, sweet potato, cassava, and white potato--and the land potential for crop expansion, estimated to be 50 percent over the next 4 yr. Farm characteristics and cropping systems involving these crops are also described. The production costs of these crops are considered high, and therefore restrict their demand. Likewise, the major constraints on domestic and external demand are considered, and the future policy directions that should be followed to counteract these restrictions are discussed. Finally, the role that the research institutions can play in greater crop development is discussed. At the community level, cassava is processed into farina. (CIAT)
Se hace un analisis tanto de la tierra que hay disponible para 6 cultivos de raices -- Colocasia esculenta, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, name, batata, yuca y patata irlandesa -- como del potencial de tierra para la expansion de esos cultivos que se calcula en un 50 por ciento durante los proximos 4 anos. Se describen tambien las caracteristicas de las fincas y los sistemas de cultivo de estas especies. Los costos de produccion de estos cultivos se consideran altos y, por lo tanto, restringen su demanda. Se consideran tambien las restricciones tanto de la demanda interna como de la externa y se discuten las directrices que en el futuro deben seguirse para contrarrestar esas restricciones. Por ultimo, se discute el papel que pueden desempenar los institutos de investigacion en un mayor desarrollo de los cultivos. A nivel comunitario la yuca se procesa en farina. (CIAT)
Date 1986
Type Book Chapter
Identifier Sorhaindo, C.A.1986. Root and tuber crops in Dominica, West Indies . In: Regional Workshop on Root Crops Production and Research in the Caribbean (1985, Guadeloupe). Root crops production and research in the Caribbean: Proceedings . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 43-50.
Language en
Rights Open Access
Format p. 43-50
Publisher International Center for Tropical Agriculture