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CMFRI Annual Report 2019

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Title CMFRI Annual Report 2019
Creator CMFRI, Kochi
Subject CMFRI Annual Reports
Description Compared to 2018, marine fish landings
during 2019 increased by 2.1% from
3.49 million tonnes to 3.56 million
tonnes. In terms of total marine fish
landings, Tamil Nadu overtook Gujarat
after several years. Emergence of the
Red toothed trigger fish (Odonus niger)
a major resource was unusual with
simultaneous reduction in landings of
Indian oil sardine and mackerel. Six
cyclonic storms in a year along the
Indian coast was also an unprecedented
climatic phenomenon.
In 2019, marine fish landings was
valued at Rs.60,881 crores at landing
Centre and Rs.92356 crores at retail
Centre. CMFRI prepared and published
minimum legal size proposals for
resources of Tamil Nadu (113 species)
and Maharashtra (58 species).
Management plan for marine fisheries of
Gujarat, non-detriment findings on silky
and thresher sharks of Indian Ocean,
policy advisory and guidance for good
mussel farming practices, advisories and
precautions for jelly fish fishers are some
noteworthy outputs.
A National Mariculture Policy 2019 (NMP
2019) was submitted to the Department
of Fisheries (DoF) and National Fisheries
Development Board (NFDB). A Working
Group 3 Report [Fisheries, Aquaculture
and Fish Processing] for developing a
road map to Blue Economy of India was
submitted to the Economic Advisory
Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM).
Otolith and statolith research in fisheries
was used for environmental impact
assessment, as well as taxonomic
ambiguity resolution. Otoliths were also
used to make jewelry.
In the area of marine environment
management research, Blue carbon
stock of sea grass meadows of Palk
Bay was quantified, 3D profile of
the blue carbon stock of sediments
of the mangroves from Vembanad
Lake was analysed, changes in the
breeding patterns of three pelagic bird
species viz., Sooty tern, Brown Noddy,
Great Crusted Tern were recorded at
Pitti in Lakshadweep.
In the area of mariculture, CMFRI
installed 2608 cages all over the country.
First spawning and hatching of Siganus
vermiculatus was achieved. Micronursery
hatchery system (down welling
and upwelling system) developed
at Vizhinjam has yielded 0.2 million
seed of green mussel seeds which
were supplied to the State Fisheries
department for farming. Seed/yolk sac
larval production of fishes viz., Indian
pompano (3.4 lakhs), orange spotted
grouper (100,000), Lethrinus lentjan
(100 lakhs), Penaeus semisulcatus
(PL15–500 lakhs) and Sepioteuthis
lessoniana (1950) were produced and
distributed to selected beneficiaries and
private entrepreneurs for marine cage
and coastal pond farming/sea ranching.
CMFRI closed the life cycle of one
food fish Siganus vermiculatus (Rabbit
fish) two more marine ornamentals–
Pseudanthias squamipinnis (Sea goldie
or lyretail coralfish) and Dascyllus
melanurus (Four stripe damselfish).
CMFRI also produced designer clowns–
Platinum, Snow flake, Picasso, Tear
drop; alongwith year round production
of other clown fishes such as, Percula
clown, Tomato clown, Skunk clown and
Maroon clown. A marine ornamental
shrimp Lismata amboinensis was also
bred in captivity. Natural spawning of
F1 generation of Indian pompano was achieved in RAS system. For the food
fish basket, CMFRI successfully achieved
the broodstock development in captivity
of marine finfish species viz, Pomadasys
furcatus, Acanthopagrus berda, A. latus
and Lutjanus johnii.
Publisher CMFRI
Date 2019
Type Monograph
Format text
Language en
CMFRI, Kochi (2019) CMFRI Annual Report 2019. Technical Report. CMFRI, Kochi.