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Immune responses in fishes In: Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology 5th to 26th October 2010

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Title Immune responses in fishes In: Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology 5th to 26th October 2010
Creator George, K C
Subject Fish Disease
Fish Nutrition
Description The term immunity means exemption. The meaning originated from exemption granted to certain
citizens in the case of compulsory military services. This term was further extended to the disease
resistance seen in people recovered from epidemic diseases. This knowledge led to the development
of small pox vaccine by Edward Jenner in1798. In animals, the mechanism for self-recognition and
non-self discrimination evolved some 400 million years ago and continues as the basic immune
response mechanisms. The basic pattern of protein molecules involved in the self/nonself-recognition
remained without much alteration, while the diversification of these molecules to suit the emerging
challenges was super imposed. We have several examples of self recognition in invertebrates.
Aggregation of dispersed colonies of sponges is regulated by species-specific surface glycoproteins.
Failure of adhesion of unrelated species amounts to a primitive graft rejection. The cells lining the
cavity of sponges are able to capture microorganisms. In the insect larval metamorphosis,
phagocytosis of dead and disintegrated cells occurs by the same mechanism. Sea stars and corals
reject grafts from unrelated forms. The same mechanism enables fertilization of ova in marine
fishes and other organism by the spermatozoa of same species. Hence, the self-recognition
mechanism enables the millions of species to maintain their integrity, while excluding invasion of
their body from align cells and changed self- constituents (mutated cells including neoplastic cells).
Publisher ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Date 2010
Type Teaching Resource
Format text
Language en
George, K C (2010) Immune responses in fishes In: Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology 5th to 26th October 2010. [Teaching Resource]