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Length–weight relationship of seven finfish species from Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system, Goa, India

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Title Length–weight relationship of seven finfish species from Mandovi-Zuari estuarine system, Goa, India
Not Available
Creator Sri-Hari M, Sreekanth GB, Jaiswar AK
Subject Length–weight, finfish, species, Mandovi‐Zuari estuarine, Goa
Description Not Available
The length–weight relationships for seven finfish species belonging to 7 different families were estimated from Mandovi–Zuari estuarine system, Goa, India. Fish sam‐ples were collected from commercial boats operating surface and bottom set gillnets (length: 100–400 m, mesh size: 30–86 mm) from January 2017 to February 2018. The values of exponent b, in the length‐weight relationship, varied between 2.08 (Secutor insidiator) and 3.16 (Nuchequula blochii), with a mean value of 2.74 for all the species. Similarly, a value varied from 0.008 (Opisthopterus tardoore and Nuchequula blochii) to 0.05 (Caranx heberi) and significant r2 values ranging from 0.94 to 0.99 were obtained. The study has also established LWR of Chelon planiceps and Opisthopterus tardoore for which the previous records are not available.
Not Available
Date 2023-05-12T03:56:10Z
Type Research Paper
Identifier Not Available
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher WILEY