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Parkes observations for project P1021 semester 2022OCTS_11

CSIRO RDS Repository

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Title Parkes observations for project P1021 semester 2022OCTS_11
Creator Andrew Cameron
Subject Astronomical sciences not elsewhere classified
Description We propose to observe PSR J1812-15 and PSR J1831-04, a pair of long spin-period binary pulsars which both show degrees of orbitally-dependent variability. Binary pulsars are valuable objects of scientific study, allowing for multiple applications including tests of gravity, probes of the neutron star equation of state, and fossil records of stellar evolution. Long spin-period pulsars in binary systems are generally much rarer than faster-spinning `recycled’ pulsars, and represent an underexplored region of pulsar binary evolution. This is particularly true of PSR J1812-15, for which only one other pulsar (B1718-19) seems remotely comparable, while PSR J1831-04 may yet turn out to be a third member of this class

Our objectives differ for each pulsar. For PSR J1812-15, a minimal low-cadence timing campaign is still required to address ongoing problems with phase connection, which may be caused by an undiagnosed glitch or other un-modelled timing effect. Beyond this, the utter uniqueness of the source warrants further monitoring in the event it displays further undocumented behaviour. For PSR J1831-04 (to date detected only once), our campaign is designed to provide the optimal chance of redetecting the pulsar through a randomised observing schedule, thereby characterising the pulsar and its binary system. If confirmed as similar to PSRs J1812 and B1718, it would contribute significantly to our understanding of this rare class of binary pulsar.
Publisher CSIRO
Contributor Andrea Possenti
Simon Johnston
Michael Kramer
Matthew Bailes
Benjamin Stappers
David Champion
Date 2023-03-27
Identifier csiro:58408