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Great Barrier Reef and Torres Straits juvenile coral demographics

CSIRO RDS Repository

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Title Great Barrier Reef and Torres Straits juvenile coral demographics
Creator Christopher Doropoulos
Subject Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology)
Conservation and biodiversity
Description The dataset contains information of juvenile coral demographics from multiple regions (n = 4) situated throughout the Torres Straits (Far North) and the Great Barrier Reef (North, Central, South). Each region has multiple reefs (n = 2-5), with multiple sites (n = 1-6) nested within each reef, and multiple quadrats within each site (n = 3-9).
At the beginning of the study, permanent quadrats (50 x 50 cm) were placed around =>1 juvenile coral (<40 mm maximum diameter), standardised to a 5 m depth profile. All juvenile corals within the quadrat had their location mapped, size measured (maximum diameter), identified to the lowest taxon possible (typically genus), and orientation categorised (exposed, vertical, cryptic).
An image of the entire quadrat was taken, plus four detailed images of each quadrat quadrant. Processing of the in-situ maps and images included mapping the xy co-ordinates of every mapped individual colony, and calculating the % cover of the benthic substrate.
Every ~12 months, the entire process is repeated. Quadrats are revisited, the juvenile corals re-measured, marked as dead, and new colonies added, and associated images taken. Datasets allow for the quantification of juvenile coral demographic rates (growth, survival, and recruitment), changes in % cover within the quadrats, with all data geolocated to the 16 xy coordinates within each quadrat.

Metadata is fully public. Data files will be uploaded and made fully public once the research has been published.
For special requests, please directly contact the Data Custodian and CC the Project Leader.
Publisher CSIRO
Contributor Kinam Salee
Melanie Orr
Anthea Donovan
Katharina Fabricius
Sam Noonan
Date 2023-08-29
Identifier csiro:60093