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Household Survey Data on Nutritional Resilience and Agricultural Shocks Among Arable Farmers in Northern Uganda

Harvard Dataverse (Africa Rice Center, Bioversity International, CCAFS, CIAT, IFPRI, IRRI and WorldFish)

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Title Household Survey Data on Nutritional Resilience and Agricultural Shocks Among Arable Farmers in Northern Uganda
Creator Mwungu, Chris M
Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia
Atibo, Christopher
Mwongera, Caroline
Publisher Harvard Dataverse

This household survey was conducted across 322 households in the four sub counties of Nwoya district (Anaka, Alero, Purongo and Kochgoma) in December 2017. This was an end line survey that was conducted as part of the project increasing food security and farming systems resilience through wide scale adoption of climate smart agricultural (CSA) technologies. The main aim for this survey was to link CSA adoption with nutrition and resilience. This knowledge could potentially policy makers and development practitioners about the influence of CSA on nutrition and livelihoods of farmers in Nwoya district. Since CSA technologies as well as dissemination methods are context specific, such knowledge would provide information on promoting the most relevant CSA technologies. That is CSA technologies that have a positive impact on nutrition, resilience and other livelihood indicators.

Types of data collected include:

  1. Geographical location of the farmers,

  2. Shocks that affected farmers economically,

  3. Market Access,

  4. Food household basket and food expenditure,

  5. Non-food expenditure,

  6. Food insecurity experience scale,

  7. Food scarcity and seasonality.

  8. Market Access,

Subject Agricultural Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Food and nutrition security
Climate change
Climate-smart agricultural technologies
Decision and Policy Analysis - DAPA
Language English
Date 2017-12
Contributor Bejarano Lozano, Yesica
Relation Mwungu, C. M., Mwongera, C., Shikuku, K. M., Nyakundi, F. N., Twyman, J., Winowiecki, L. A., ... & Läderach, P. (2017). Survey data of intra-household decision making and smallholder agricultural production in Northern Uganda and Southern Tanzania. Data in brief, 14, 302-306.
Type Survey Data
Socio-economic Data