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30-seconds (1 Km2) monthly, seasonal and annual gridded Historical Climate Surfaces for Honduras.

Harvard Dataverse (Africa Rice Center, Bioversity International, CCAFS, CIAT, IFPRI, IRRI and WorldFish)

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Title 30-seconds (1 Km2) monthly, seasonal and annual gridded Historical Climate Surfaces for Honduras.
Creator Navarro Racines, Carlos E.
Llanos Herrera, Lizeth
Monserrate, Fredy
Publisher Harvard Dataverse
Description The gridded climate surfaces for Honduras (30-year average) were developed from weather station observations from different official sources (local, national and regional institutions) for the period 1981 to 2010 (latest period defined by WMO to calculate the climatological standard normal), at 30-seconds (1 Km2) spatial resolution, for monthly precipitation (prec), monthly minimum temperature (tmin), maximum temperature (tmax), mean temperature (tmean) and diurnal temperature range (dtr). In addition, the seasonal and annual surfaces were derived based on the monthly datasets. For the spatialization (interpolation), we followed the method described by Hijmans et al. (Hijmans et al., 2005),using as inputs the climatic normal for all weather stations after the quality control data and fill gaps processes. In areas with low station density weather observations were complemented with pseudo-stations from TerraClimate (Abatzoglou et al., 2018) for temperature and CHIRPS (Funk et al., 2015) for precipitation. The dataset is part of work carried out by CIAT in the generation of the climate change scenarios for Honduras for the Third National Communication to the UNFCCC.
Subject Agricultural Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Meteorological stations
Climate change
Climate normal
Latin America and the Caribbean
Decision and Policy Analysis - DAPA
Language English
Date 2018
Contributor Bejarano Lozano, Yesica
Relation Llanos-Herrera, L., Navarro-Racines, C. E., Valencia, J., Monserrate, F., & Quintero, M. (2017). 30 Arc-Second Historical and Future Scenario Climate Surfaces for Western Honduras. Harvard Dataverse.
Type Interpolated Data
Aggregate Data
Climate Data