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Replication data for: Nepal (2007): Malaria TRaC and Net Coverage Survey in Five Districts of Nepal - Phase II of the Malaria Prevention Program

Harvard Dataverse (Africa Rice Center, Bioversity International, CCAFS, CIAT, IFPRI, IRRI and WorldFish)

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Title Replication data for: Nepal (2007): Malaria TRaC and Net Coverage Survey in Five Districts of Nepal - Phase II of the Malaria Prevention Program
Creator Mahesh Paudel
Publisher Harvard Dataverse
Description The purpose of the TRaC Malaria Phase II was to answer the question: Among the target population living in the malaria affected districts of Nepal, what determines the use of LLINs in terms of opportunity, ability and motivation? Specifically, the research objectives were to identify and describe one or more target groups in terms of: a. Risk; b. Behavior (Use of LLINs); c. Behavioral determinants (opportunity, ability and motivational(OAM) characteristics); and d. Population characteristics, including media habits; TRaC Malaria Phase II was conducted in July-September 2007 with a total of 2,200 respondents in five malaria prone districts in Nepal, via a structured questionnaire interview process. A multi-stage cluster sampling approach was used to draw a sample of households with children under five years of age living in the program area of five malaria affected districts. The five districts include: Jhapa, Kanchanpur, Kavre, Mahottari, and Sindhuli. PSI/Nepal used the PSI TRaC methodology, which is designed to provide actionable evidence for decision making. The TRaC survey systematically and repeatedly measures levels and trends of indicators such as behaviors, behavioral determinants and population characteristics. The framework for development and construction of the variables for the behavioral determinants is based on the PSI Behavi
or Change Framework (Annex 2).
Subject Quantitative
LLIN use
Global fund
Date 2007-12-01