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Replication data and code for "The relative weight of character traits in political candidate evaluations: Warmth is more important than competence, leadership and integrity"

Harvard Dataverse (Africa Rice Center, Bioversity International, CCAFS, CIAT, IFPRI, IRRI and WorldFish)

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Title Replication data and code for "The relative weight of character traits in political candidate evaluations: Warmth is more important than competence, leadership and integrity"
Creator Laustsen, Lasse
Alexander Bor
Publisher Harvard Dataverse
Description This data set consists of the raw data for article "Laustsen, Lasse & Alexander Bor, 2017: The relative weight of character traits in political candidate evaluations: Warmth is more important than competence, leadership and integrity. Electoral Studies". The data sets are available with a corresponding do-files for replication analyses in Stata.
Subject Social Sciences
Political candidates, character traits, competence, warmth, candidate preferences, US presidents, vote choice
Contributor Laustsen, Lasse