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ADFA IDS (Intrusion detection systems) datasets comprising labeled host, network and windows stealthy attacks settings

Harvard Dataverse (Africa Rice Center, Bioversity International, CCAFS, CIAT, IFPRI, IRRI and WorldFish)

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Title ADFA IDS (Intrusion detection systems) datasets comprising labeled host, network and windows stealthy attacks settings
Creator UNSW Canberra
Publisher Harvard Dataverse
Description These are ADFA IDS datasets that contain network IDS datasets and host IDS datasets. These datasets were generated by former UNSW Ph.D. students, postdocs, and academic visitors under the supervision of Prof. Jiankun Hu, who acts as the communication contact. Please read through the file "How to use ADFA-IDS-Datasets, Giden's Ph. Thesis, and web page file for details.

NGIDS-DS dataset: It was created by former Ph.D. student Mr. Waqas Haider. This dataset contains the network IDS dataset, which was generated at the next-generation cyber range infrastructure of the Australian Centre OF Cyber Security (ACCS) in the University of New South Wales (UNSW)@ Australian Defence Force Academy(ADFA), Canberra. It is part of the ongoing projects in the ADFA related to cyber security.

ADFA-LD, ADFA-WD-SAA, and ADFA-WD datasets: They were coreated by former Ph.D. student Mr. Gideon Creech. They contain Windows host IDS datasets and stealthy attack IDS datasets.

netflow_ids_label dataset: It was created by the academic visitor Dr. Quang Anh Tran and UNSW postdoc Dr. Frank Jiang, which provides network flow lables to the 1999 DARPA IDS dataset created by MIT. Please read the relevant real-time network flow publication paper attached.

TSE-DS dataset: It was created by former Ph.D. students/postdocs Dr. Nam Tran and Dr. Xuefei Yin. It is a labeled false data injection attack detection dataset.
Subject Computer and Information Science
Intrusion detection
Date 2024-01-03
Contributor Hu, Jiankun