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Editorial: Dissecting complex gene families to understand their roles in climate-resilience


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Title Editorial: Dissecting complex gene families to understand their roles in climate-resilience
Creator Rao, V
Petla, B P
Muthamilarasan, M
Subject Climate Resilient Technologies
Description Climate resilience is an important trait that the global plant research community focuses on, for ensuring food and nutritional security. Understanding the genetic determinants underlying this complex trait is key for tweaking the candidate genes, alleles, or QTLs, to enhance climate resilience. Genomics plays a major role in decoding the plant genomes to identify the coding and non-coding elements present within the DNA. Single-copy genes are present scarcely among the coding elements, whereas the remaining genes are encoded as gene families. More than one member of a particular gene family allows the genes to perform a multitude of functions, and their expression is tightly regulated at different levels. Whole genome sequencing reveals the information of genes and their corresponding gene families in the given genome. Characterization of these gene families provides insights into their structural and functional diversity. Thus, recent studies focus on dissecting the structural and functional aspects of gene families, which further identify the candidate genes for downstream characterization. Given the importance of genome-wide analyses in delineating the functional roles of different gene families in imparting climate resilience, the Research Topic invited articles on this aspect of gene family analyses.
Publisher Frontiers Media
Date 2023-09-12
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language en
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Rao, V and Petla, B P and Muthamilarasan, M (2023) Editorial: Dissecting complex gene families to understand their roles in climate-resilience. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 14. 01-03. ISSN 1664-462X