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Mitigating agricultural residue burning: challenges and solutions across land classes in Punjab, India


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Title Mitigating agricultural residue burning: challenges and solutions across land classes in Punjab, India
Creator Krishnapriya, P P
Pattanayak, S K
Somanathan, E
Keil, A
Jat, M L
Sidhu, H S
Shyamsundar, P
Subject Climate Change
Description India faces significant air quality challenges, contributing to local health and global climate concerns. Despite a national ban on agricultural residue burning and various incentive schemes, farmers in northern India continue to face difficulties in curbing open-field burning. Using data
from 1021 farming households in rural Punjab in India, we examine the patterns and drivers of the adoption of no-burn agriculture, particularly for farmers who mulch instead of burning crop residue. We find a growing trend in no-burn farming practices among farmers between 2015 and 2017, with the highest adoption rates among large farmers compared to medium and small farmers. Our findings suggest that access to equipment and learning opportunities may increase the likelihood of farmers using straw as mulch instead of burning it. Specifically, social learning appears to increase the likelihood of farmers embracing no-burn practices relative to learning from extension agencies. Furthermore, the form of learning depends on farm size. While large and medium farmers exhibit a variety of learning strategies, small farmers primarily self-learn. These
results underscore the importance of a multiprong policy that provides sufficient access to equipment and a combination of learning platforms that enabling farmers from different land classes to adopt no-burn technologies.
Publisher IOP Publishing
Date 2024-02-29
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language en
Rights cc_attribution
Krishnapriya, P P and Pattanayak, S K and Somanathan, E and Keil, A and Jat, M L and Sidhu, H S and Shyamsundar, P (2024) Mitigating agricultural residue burning: challenges and solutions across land classes in Punjab, India. Environmental Research: Food Systems, 1 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2976-601X