Description |
Nobel Prize Dataset Metadata
- File Format: CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
- Number of Entries: Data includes multiple entries, with each row representing a Nobel Prize award.
- Columns (Selected):
awardYear : The year the prize was awarded.
category : The category of the Nobel Prize (e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physiology or Medicine, Economic Sciences).
categoryFullName : The full name of the category.
sortOrder : The order in which the prizes are listed for the year.
portion : The share of the prize that the laureate received.
prizeAmount : The amount of the prize in Swedish kronor (SEK) at the time of the award.
prizeAmountAdjusted : The prize amount adjusted for inflation to a recent year.
dateAwarded : The date on which the prize was awarded.
prizeStatus : Status of the prize (e.g., received).
motivation : The official motivation for the award.
laureate type : Indicates if the laureate is an individual or an organization.
gender : The gender of the laureate.
birth_date , birth_city , birth_country : Birth details of the laureate.
org_name , org_city , org_country : Details of the organization (if the laureate is an organization).
affiliation_1 , affiliation_2 , affiliation_3 , affiliation_4 : Affiliation details for the laureate.
- Total Columns: 52 columns, including detailed information about the laureates and their affiliations, birth details, and specifics about the awards.
- Use Cases: This dataset can be used for historical analysis of Nobel Prizes, demographic studies of laureates, statistical analysis of prize amounts over time, and research into the distribution of awards across categories and countries.
Source: Kaggle