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Field Screening for Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants with Emphasis on Rice


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Title Field Screening for Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants with Emphasis on Rice
Creator Saxena, N P
John, O C
Subject Agriculture-Farming, Production, Technology, Economics
Description There are two options for the management of crops in water limiting environments: the agronomic and the genetic management. With the genetic management option droughttolerant varieties, once developed, would be a low economic input technology that would be readily acceptable to resource-poor, rainfed, small land holding farmers.
Development of this genetic management technology requires robust, reproducible, simple, and rapid field, pot, and laboratory screening methods for identification of traits of drought tolerance in germplasm, and incorporation of the same in high-yielding varieties using conventional and biotechnological tools. Scientists working in various
national and international crop drought research programs use different methods of screening appropriate to the crops on which they work, and keeping in view their target drought environment. This workshop focused on the methods used in different cereal (including rice) and legume crops. The rationale for the use of various methods and their advantages and disadvantages (if any) were discussed. Papers contributed by the participants, either as full papers or only abstracts of their paper, are included in this book. An overview and synthesis of the workshop and crop drought research in general is presented in the final chapter of the book.
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 2002
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Saxena, N P and John, O C (2002) Field Screening for Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants with Emphasis on Rice. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.