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Morphological and Cultural Characterization of Quarantine Concerned spp. Associated with Oilseed Crops

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Title Morphological and Cultural Characterization of Quarantine Concerned spp. Associated with Oilseed Crops
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Creator Laxman Singh Rajput, Sanjeev Kumar, Heena Bhati, Krishna Nair, Jameel Akhtar, Pardeep Kumar, SC Dubey
Subject Conidia, crops, cultural, spp., pycnidia
Description Not Available
Total twelve isolates representing five species of were collected from various oilseed crops Phomopsis
representing both exotic as well as domestic collections of India and were examined for morpho-cultural
variability. Isolates of spp. showed significant difference in colony type, colour, radial growth, Phomopsis
shape and size of both and β spore, pycnidial arrangement, production, colour and days required for α
intiation. PCA revealed that among different mopho-cultural charcters, few characters such as colony
margin, days required for full growth, pycnidial colour as well as days required for pycnidial initiation
exhibited strong correlation for explaining variability. Three groups A, B and C were created through
neighbour joining cluster analysis based on morpho-cultural characters of spp. Group A Phomopsis
included both the domestic and exotic isolates of , whereas group C was most diverse group P. phaseoli
including isolates of four spp. collected from different crops and agro ecological regions. This Phomopsis
study revealed that morphological variation arises due to adaptation to various ecological zones that may
lead to introduction of new race or genotype of spp. to the India. This variation among Phomopsis
Phomopsis spp. can be used in resistance breeding programme to various crops.
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Date 2024-04-18T11:29:02Z
Type Article
Identifier Rajput LS, Kumar S, Bhati H, Nair K, Akhtar J, Kumar P and Dubey SC. 2021. Morphological and cultural characterization of quarantine concerned spp. associated with oilseed crops. Phomopsis J Mycol Pl Pathol 51 (1): 48-58
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Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Not Available