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Agro techniques for augmentation of carbon storage through crop residue recycling in coconut-based cropping system

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Title Agro techniques for augmentation of carbon storage through crop residue recycling in coconut-based cropping system
Not Available
Creator P. Anithakumari
Jeena Mathew
Abdul Haris A.
Subject Carbon neutral, carbon storage, Recycling of crop residues, crop residue management, composting, crop wastes
Description Not Available
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Date 2024-04-05T13:47:16Z
Type Article
Identifier Jeena Mathew, Abdul Haris A. and Anithakumari P., (2023). Agro techniques for augmentation of carbon storage through crop residue recycling in coconut-based cropping system. Indian Coconut Journal. LXV(9): 5-9.
Not Available
Language English
Relation Not Available;
Publisher Coconut Development Board, Kera Bhavan, Kochi, Kerala