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Economic valuation of wetland products and services: A case study of Sone Beel, India

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Title Economic valuation of wetland products and services: A case study of Sone Beel, India
Creator Singha, Kanchan Baran
Singh, N. B.
Singh, K. Gyanendra
Subject Contingent valuation method
Economic valuation
Market price method
Nonuse values
Sone beel
Travel cost method
Use values
Description 156-177
Wetlands provide the world's most productive products and services (PAS) for economic purposes. Wetlands are
important for fishing, agriculture, biodiversity, and recreational activities. The present paper attempts to estimate the total
economic value of the use and nonuse values of the Sone Beel, the largest wetland of Assam. The fishing communities of
the Sone Beel area have been associated with the wetland for generations, and they depend on the wetland for their
livelihood. We have adopted the market price method, travel cost method, and contingent valuation method for the
economic valuation of Sone Beel. The total economic value (TEV) of Sone Beel is estimated as Rs 561,088,074 (USD
6,769,140.46) per annum, with fishing as the main contributor, whose value is estimated at around 84.53 per cent of the
TEV of the wetland, followed by duck rearing, water transport, tourism, paddy cultivation, biodiversity conservation, and
future use.
Date 2024-04-26T09:16:44Z
Type Article
Identifier 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)
Language en
Publisher NIScPR-CSIR,India
Source IJNPR Vol.15(1) [March 2024]