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Phytopharmacognostic profiling of Prunus cerasoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, heartwood

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Title Phytopharmacognostic profiling of Prunus cerasoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, heartwood
Creator Hazra, Kalyan
Kumar, Deepak
Mitra, Achintya
Dutta, Sreya
Sarkar, Shuvadip
Babu, Gajji
Subject Flavonoids
Prunus cerasoides
Description 146-155
Use of Prunus cerasoids Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don is mentioned in traditional texts as padmak with some of its medicinal
values. Seeing the classical significance of the plant, the study was undertaken to develop a pharmacognostic and
phytochemical blueprint of Prunus cerasoids heartwood. The primary goal of this study was to detect the bioactive
flavonoids, like biochanin A, genistein and sakuranetin, in heartwood. Authenticated plant materials were subjected to
pharmacognostical, physicochemical and HPTLC fingerprinting. Qualitative analysis in detecting phytocompounds in the
extracts of varied solvent polarity was performed using LC-MS/MS orbitrap. The extraction efficiency was highest in polar
organic solvent methanol, and LC-MS/MS ascertained the same. The significant outcome of this study was the extractability
of the solvents in bringing down the active phytochemicals differently, and methanol was found to be the best-suited
solvent. Maximum numbers and the major phytocompounds available were apigetrin, astilbin, betaine, biochanin a,
caprolactum, catechin, choline, coumarin, eriodictyol, ethylmalonic acid, formononetin, genistein, glycitein, hematoxylin,
naringenin, phloretin, pipecolic acid, prunin, quercetin, rutin, sakuranetin, taxifolin, and trifolin. The data set generated here
had multi-faceted contributions, especially in phytopharmaceuticals. This multidimensional profile of the plant heartwood
may serve as documentary evidence in preparing a genuine monograph.
Date 2024-04-26T09:19:11Z
Type Article
Identifier 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)
Language en
Relation Int. cl. (2021.01) – A61K 36/00, A61K 36/73, A61K 135/00
Publisher NIScPR-CSIR,India
Source IJNPR Vol.15(1) [March 2024]