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A review on potato milk: A possible alternative for consumers allergic to cow milk proteins

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Title A review on potato milk: A possible alternative for consumers allergic to cow milk proteins
Creator S, Anitha
A, Manivannan
Subject Lactose intolerance
Milk alternatives
Vegetable extract
Description 54-64
Research and development in science and innovation have changed consumer awareness of conventional food sources to
functional foods that provide more nutrition and health. On the other hand, there is an emerging no for cow milk due to
environmental and ethical considerations. Plant-based milk alternatives emerged as a rising trend, serving as an inexpensive
alternative to a poor economic group of developing countries and in places where cow’s milk supply is insufficient. A
functional food should promote cognitive response, an improved immune system, and general well-being. Though there are
several plant-based milk substitutes, using vegetables to produce a novel milk substitute still needs to be considered. Hence,
this review aims to incorporate potatoes to produce a milk-like substitute due to their high nutritious content, bioavailability,
and environmental sustainability. Potatoes are a better source of protein, vitamins, and minerals than rice, wheat, sorghum,
legumes, and corn, with a high number of antioxidants and phytochemicals. With consumers becoming increasingly aware
of the association of diet, nutrition, and health, potatoes have the potential to become an important dietary source of
bioactive ingredients, i.e., functional food.
Date 2024-04-26T09:36:32Z
Type Article
Identifier 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)
Language en
Relation Int. cl. (2021.01) – A61K 36/00
Publisher NIScPR-CSIR,India
Source IJNPR Vol.15(1) [March 2024]