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A review on bioprospecting of actinomycetes isolated from marine soil samples of India concerning their antimicrobial secondary metabolites

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Title A review on bioprospecting of actinomycetes isolated from marine soil samples of India concerning their antimicrobial secondary metabolites
Creator Kannabiran, Krishnan
Subject Actinomycetes
Antimicrobial activity
Biosynthetic gene clusters
Omics tools
Secondary metabolites
Whole genome sequencing
Description 13-20
Sixty-three years of research on terrestrial actinomycetes and forty-three years on marine actinomycetes in India yielded
several novel actinomycetes species. Those actinomycetes were screened for their biological activities using culture filtrate/
crude solvent extracts. There are few reports on purifying and identifying secondary metabolites and exploring their
biological activities. Actinomycetes are known for producing a diverse group of secondary metabolites with multiple
biological activities. Omics technology has been currently used for rapid screening of actinomycetes genera to identify novel
stains and their biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). Only a few reports on using omics technology to explore actinomycetes'
genera for novelty, their BGCs, secondary metabolites, and their biological activities in India have been available.
Bioactivity-guided extraction, purification, and identification of secondary metabolites and scalable production of the
bioactive compounds in the laboratory are time-consuming. Using omics technology to explore the actinomycetes isolated
from several niches, including deep-sea sediments, would reduce the time required for screening and identification of novel
BCGs and their metabolites. The growing microbial drug resistance to the existing antibiotics has increased the demand for
newer antibiotics worldwide. This warranted the researchers to explore actinomycetes genera for novel antibiotics, bioactive
compounds, and new chemical entities. Isolation of actinomycetes from unexplored and underexplored regions, screening
followed by whole genome sequencing, annotation and identification of BGCs and their selective expression would help us
produce a scalable quantity of novel bioactive compounds for biomedical applications.
Date 2024-04-26T09:42:39Z
Type Article
Identifier 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)
Language en
Relation Int. cl. (2021.01)− A61K 35/66, A61P 31/00
Publisher NIScPR-CSIR,India
Source IJNPR Vol.15(1) [March 2024]