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Sorghum Root and Stalk Rots A Critical Review


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Title Sorghum Root and Stalk Rots A Critical Review
Creator Mughogho, L K
Subject Sorghum
Description Despite several decades of research, diseases remain a major constraint to sorghum product ion throughout the world. That was the reason ICRISAT and Texas A &M University cosponsored the first international workshop on sorghum diseases, hosted by ICRISAT at Hyderabad, India, in December 1978. It was also the reason for a second major international effort exact ly 5 years later, by INTSORMIL and ICRISAT, to gain more understand ing for better control of these diseases. This took the form of a highly specialized consul tants' group meeting to make recommendat ions on the research needs and strategies for control of sorghum root and stalk rots. Root and stalk rots are a group of diseases that reduce crop stands in the emergence and seedling stages, or most commonly cause stalk lodging in the postf lowering and grain-filling stages of plant development. The improved high-yieldpotential varieties and hybrids under good management tend to be particularly suscept ible to Iodging i nduced by root and stalk rot. Al though good progress has been made against other diseases of sorghum, research for control of root and stalk rots has been painfully slow. This is due to the complexi ty of the diseases themselves and the pauci ty of intensive interdisciplinary research on them. ICRISAT and INTSORMIL are commi t ted to supporting and conduct ing research that will provide the technology necessary for farmers to improve sorghum yields and help meet world food needs. Their joint ponsorship of the Consultative Group Discussion on Research Needs and Strategies for Control of Sorghum Root and Stalk Rot Diseases and the publication of these proceedings are important steps toward this objective. The contents of the background papers, the discussions, and the recommendat ions contained in this book represent the combined exper ience and knowledge of 27 scientists in the disciplines of breeding, physiology, and pathology. We feel certain that if national, international, and other sorghum improvement programs follow the various strategies and recommendat ions, significant progress will be made in this field. ICRISAT expresses special appreciat ion to the scientists who participated in this meet ing, to INTSORMIL for its help in funding the conference, and to the Rockefeller Foundation for hosting the meeting at its Study and Conference Center at Bellagio, Italy.
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 1984
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Mughogho, L K (1984) Sorghum Root and Stalk Rots A Critical Review. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.