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ALFISOLS in the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop on the State of the Art and Management Alternatives for Optimizing the Productivity of SAT Alfisols and Related Soils


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Title ALFISOLS in the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop on the State of the Art and Management Alternatives for Optimizing the Productivity of SAT Alfisols and Related Soils
Creator Pathak, P
El-Swaify, S A
Singh, S
Raghavan, N
Beckerman, S R
Subject Agriculture-Farming, Production, Technology, Economics
Description Thi s consul tants' wor k shop, hosted by I C R I S A T , had the fol lowing object ives.
1. To review the impor tant envi ronmental , physical , chemical , and biological character ist ics of
S A T Al f isol s and related soils, and ident i f y major const raint s t o thei r effective agr icul tural
ut i l izat ion.
2. To assess the cur rent state of the ar t on effective management of S A T Al f isol s under rainfed
condi t ions, wi t h par t icular reference to the fol lowing:
a. Soi l and water conservat ion and management .
b. Op t imum requi rements for effective crop establ ishment and g r owt h .
c. Water -suppl y development and ef f icient use for supplemental i r r igat ion.
d. Fer t i l i t y and nut r i t ional requi rements.
e. Al ternat ive c ropping systems.
A summar y repor t of the wor k shop was publ ished in 1984 ( for detai ls, see the note given inside
the f ront cover ) in order to acquaint scientists wi t h the pr incipal f indings of the wor k shop wi thout
signi f icant delay.
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 1987
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Pathak, P and El-Swaify, S A and Singh, S and Raghavan, N and Beckerman, S R (1987) ALFISOLS in the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop on the State of the Art and Management Alternatives for Optimizing the Productivity of SAT Alfisols and Related Soils. Other. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.