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Adaptation of Chickpea and Pigeonpea to Abiotic Stresses Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop held at ICRISAT Center, India, 19-21 December 1984


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Title Adaptation of Chickpea and Pigeonpea to Abiotic Stresses Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop held at ICRISAT Center, India, 19-21 December 1984
Creator ICRISAT, -
Subject Chickpea
Description Dr o u g h t remains an impor tant issue in the ef for t s of nat ions to feed themselves. I ts
magni tude in several parts of Af r i c a has led to acute food shortages in recent years,
and this has been a mat ter of great concern wor ldwide.
Dr o u g h t , however , i s onl y one among several factor s in the physical envi ronment
that can l imi t yields, par t icular l y i n the semi -ar id t ropics. Temperature, sal ini ty, and
water logging are al l impor tant . A n d these factors of ten interact amo n g themselves, so
that the actual problems are di f f icul t even to diagnose, let alone resolve.
As par t of an overal l ef for t to consider how exist ing knowledge can be appl ied
towar d al leviat ing those physical l imi tat ions, and t o plan future research, I C R I S A T
hosted a Consul tants' Wo r k s h o p dur ing 19-21 December 1984 on "Ad a p t a t i o n of
Chickpea and Pigeonpea t o Abiot i c Stresses." Thi s volume br ings together papers
presented at the wor k shop, along wi t h its recommendat ions.
Wi t h proper appl icat ion of research, we believe that catast rophi c food shortages
can be minimized or aver ted. Events of recent years have added a sense of urgency to
the task of imp r o v i n g the abi l i t y of crops to wi thstand physical stresses, par t icular ly
drought .
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 1987
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
ICRISAT, - (1987) Adaptation of Chickpea and Pigeonpea to Abiotic Stresses Proceedings of the Consultants' Workshop held at ICRISAT Center, India, 19-21 December 1984. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.