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Marketing of Rainy- and Postrainy-season Sorghum in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra


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Title Marketing of Rainy- and Postrainy-season Sorghum in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra
Creator Marsland, N
Rao, P P
Subject Sorghum
Description Thi s study, an inves t igat ion i n t o the ma r k e t i n g systems for sorghum grain and s tover i n the states of
An d h r a Pradesh, Maharasht ra, and Karnataka, aims at descr ibing the cur r ent ma rke t systems and pa r t ly
assesses t h e i r pe r formanc e . I t needs t o be v i ewe d i n the cont ext of othe r component s wh i c h address
sorghum p r o d u c t i o n , c o n s ump t i o n and indus t r i a l u t i l i z a t i o n . Th e s tudy i s spl i t into" three sections.
Wh i l e the f i r s t sect ion gives an idea of the v o l ume of ma r k e t e d grain, and provides an ove rvi ew of the
actual f lows , buyer s , sellers and end-uses of sorghum grain t r ade d i n key di s t r i c t s i n these states, the
second sect ion provides an indi c a t ion of the producer ' s share i n the sorghum consumer ' s rupee and
discusses h o w t h e large projected increases i n indus t r i a l d ema n d for rainy-season sorghum may affect
the ma r k e t i n g sys tem. Th e final section draws together the key conclusions f r om the study.
© 1999 by the Internat ional Crops Research Ins t i tut e for the S emi -Ar i d Tropics ( ICRI SAT) .
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This publication is an output f rom a research project funded by the Uni t e d Kingdom
Depar tment for International Development (DF ID) for the benefit of developing countries.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of D F I D [R 6687: Crop Post-Harvest
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 1999
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Marsland, N and Rao, P P (1999) Marketing of Rainy- and Postrainy-season Sorghum in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.