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Conservation, Evaluation and Dissemination of Groundnut Germplasm and Foundation Seed Production and Distribution for the West African Region Proceedings of the final workshop 22-25 April 2002 Bamako, Mali


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Title Conservation, Evaluation and Dissemination of Groundnut Germplasm and Foundation Seed Production and Distribution for the West African Region Proceedings of the final workshop 22-25 April 2002
Bamako, Mali
Creator Ntare, B R
Mayeux, A H
Waliyar, F
Subject Groundnut
Description The Gr o u n d n u t Germplasm Project (GGP) was ini t iated in 1996 wi t h the pr incipal
aim of restor ing the genetic diversi t y of groundnut in West Af r ica and supplying seed of
improved varieties t o Nat ional Agr icul tural Research Systems (NARS) and other
benef iciar ies. ICRISAT, as Project Execut ing Agency and, in col laborat ion wi t h its
par tners ISRA and CIRAD, organized an end-of -project workshop f r o m 22 to 25 Ap r i l
2002 at Bamako, Ma l i . The object ive of thi s wor k shop was to present the remarkable
achievements of the project to a wide range of stakeholders and ident i f y fol low-up
act ion for a sustainable seed produc t ion and del iver y scheme in West Af r ica.
Par t icipants at the workshop were f r o m various spheres, including research and
development ( R & D ) , nongovernmental organizations (NGOs ) , the pr ivate sector, and
groundnut producers. Project results were presented dur ing the di f ferent sessions, one
of wh i c h focused on presentat ions by NARS about groundnut seed suppl y systems in
selected count r ies.
Parallel group discussions focused on conservat ion of genet ic resources and thei r
opt imal ut i l izat ion, st rengthening of seed mul t ipl i cat ion and di s t r ibut ion, and the role of
the publ i c and pr ivate sector in the groundnut sector. These produced impor tant
conclusions that wi l l help guide the future development of sustainable seed systems in
West Af r ica.
The opinions in this publ icat ion are those of authors and not necessarily those of
ICRISAT. The designations employed and the presentat ions of the mater ial in this
publ icat ion do not imp l y the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the par t of
ICRISAT concerning the legal status of any count ry, ter r i tory, city, or area, or of i ts
author i t ies, or concerning the del imi tat ion of its f ront ier s or boundar ies. Wh e r e t rade
names are used this does not const i tute endorsement of or discr iminat ion against any
product by the Inst i tute.
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 2003
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Ntare, B R and Mayeux, A H and Waliyar, F (2003) Conservation, Evaluation and Dissemination of Groundnut Germplasm and Foundation Seed Production and Distribution for the West African Region Proceedings of the final workshop 22-25 April 2002 Bamako, Mali. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.