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Evaluation of the Effects of Plant Diseases on Yield and Nutritive Value of Crop Residues Used for Peri-urban Dairy Production on the Deccan Plateau of India


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Title Evaluation of the Effects of Plant Diseases on Yield and Nutritive Value of Crop Residues Used for Peri-urban Dairy Production on the Deccan Plateau of India
Creator Pande, S
Rao, P P
Subject Agriculture-Farming, Production, Technology, Economics
Description Traditional sorghum is susceptible to foliar and stalk diseases. Similarly, groundnut
cul t ivar s are also prone to complex fungal fol iar diseases. The quant i t y and
nut r i t ive value of their residues are likely to be affected by these diseases besides
grain and pod yields. The present study has addressed these issues. The project
provided an unique f ramewor k to bring together social , plant and animal scientists
to address the effects of plant diseases on nut r i t ive value of crop residues on the
inst i tut ional , vi l lage and the per i -urban dairy product ion level . Informat ion has
been col lected f rom on- farm surveys of disease incidence on the Deccan Plateau
in Andhra Pradesh, India. Perceptions of farmers and fodder traders regarding
the effects of diseases have been sol ici ted. On-stat ion trails have been conducted
to quantify disease effects and their mitigation through management practices.
Shor t - term animal feeding trials wer e under taken to measure the effects of
diseases on digest ibi l i t y and voluntar y intake in buffalo and cattle.
The project not onl y documented and quant i f ied the impact of plant disease on
crop residue nut r i t ive value but also identified possible approaches and solutions
to the problems. The study found that disease management in these crops wo u l d
benefit qual i t y of crop residues used in dairy product ion, increase income and
qual i t y of mi lk.
Publisher International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Date 2003
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Language en
Pande, S and Rao, P P (2003) Evaluation of the Effects of Plant Diseases on Yield and Nutritive Value of Crop Residues Used for Peri-urban Dairy Production on the Deccan Plateau of India. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.