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Yield Advantages and Economic Returns from Pigeonpea/cotton Strip Intercropping Rotations on a Vertisol in the Indian Semi-Arid Tropics


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Title Yield Advantages and Economic Returns from Pigeonpea/cotton Strip Intercropping Rotations on a Vertisol in the Indian Semi-Arid Tropics
Creator Potdar, M V
Anders, M M
Sharma, M
Subject Pigeonpea
Description Piponpen (Cajatrus cajcln (L.)M illsy.) is an it~rportnrltc otrrpor~ettto fsez~~rcurl opyin~sy stettls of the
setni-rzrid troyics (SAT). 111 a 4-1/['11f~ie ld study (1990 to 7994), a nrcdirrnr ~ilirntiotp~ig c.ortpca,
crrltiz~orl CPL 87119 ii~uss trip-irztercropyed rc~itlrh ybrid cotton, c~iltir~aNrH H 44 it1 fizlp
replac~nrent serirps of four strip widths (1.5, 3, 4.5, and 6-in strip) urzder thrcr lnnd-cottfiguratiot~
systems [flat, ridge arldfiirrow fI(F at 0.75-m), and broadbed and firrroiir (BBF at 1.5-/)I)/o n u
Vertisol under rainfed cottditiotts at ICRlSAT Asia Center (IAC), lJotanAerri, Jnliia. A strip plot
design ulas ~iscizfi ~ithl anil configrrrrrtion treatnrrnts allocnterl to uerticnl plots rltld crol~pitrs~ys tetns
to horizontul plots with three replications. Each croy strip ulos rotated ujith at1 rlssociated intr~rcroy
in a 2-year rotr~tiorc~y cle. Land co~lfiyuratiorlt rlJattiletlts retiloitled tcnchnrrge~id lrrirlg t l ~ ~ f oy~earrrs.
ltrdiuidual crop yields rain or see~cfo t tor^ ar~ds tem dry nrntter) zcjcrt7 si'ynificantly. itt.f llrenced
by the croypin~sy stertr but not by latld confiyuratiotr or treattrrertt interactions. Seed cotton yields
ruere lti~hert h ~ npi ~eonpel~~r aitly ieliis. lJi~eottpead ry stiw yields zucre higher tltntl cotton stern
yields during nllfuur yerlrs. Sol[>p i8eortpc.o gmin yield uariedfrort~0 ,49 to 2.57 t lra", u~hrrrnss ole
seed cotton yield varied from 1.45 to 2.04 t IIU-'C. rop yields drcreosed as strip size zur~sr educed, zuitlr
(yreater yield redtictiotts in cotton than in pi(ycottyea. Sole pigeonpea yroduced tttore total dry tnntter
(TDM) (6.51 t ha-') than sole cotton (4.95 t ha.'). Cropping systenl TDM production increased as
pi~eonpeas trip size ruas itzcreased. Land rquiz~alottr atio fLER) and nrorletnry zlal~itle quivalent mtio
(MVER) indicated that strip it~tercroppingz ilas al7uays superior to sole croppittg. A strip
itttercroppin~c onrbitzation of 4.5-it1 pigeonpea and 1.5-ttr cottcln Xavc the rtlaxirn~rnlm eart LER rlallrc
(1.4) and MVER value (1.19). Averaged ozjerfotir years, sole. cottort had the rt~axirttrirrg~r oss (Rs.
19,87 thousatzds ha-') and net monetary returns (Rs. 14.25 thousartds ha.'), uttd sole pigeonpea hall
the lowest gross (Rs. 12.41 thousands ha") and net monetary returns (Rs. 7.24 tltcuisands ha-'). All
strip intercroppitlg systems iclrre more profitable than sole pigeonpeuroith nlaxinlunt net retlrrr~s
(Rs, 9.97 thousands ha.') obtained from a strip intercropping conrbitzatiott of 1.5-111p igeonpea utld
4.5-m of cotton. Benefit:cost ratio varied widely among cropping systettrs at111 brtiuern years.
However, sole cotton gave the maxitnum benefit:cost ratio of2.57,followed by sole yipjonyen with 11
value of2.18. Results of combined yield analysts of each rotatron cycle, lndrcated the sole prgeortprJa
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Date 1996
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language en
Potdar, M V and Anders, M M and Sharma, M (1996) Yield Advantages and Economic Returns from Pigeonpea/cotton Strip Intercropping Rotations on a Vertisol in the Indian Semi-Arid Tropics. Series on International Agricultural Research. pp. 58-72. ISSN 1341-3899