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Integrated weed management for rainfed groundnut


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Title Integrated weed management for rainfed groundnut
Creator Ramakrishna, A
Ong, C K
Reddy, S L N
Subject Groundnut
Description Flcld experunents were conducted undm runfcd condrtlons m I987 and 1988 on groundnut (Arochu
hypogaea) to test the comparauve efficacy of prc.emcrgence hnblc~desm etolachlor 12 chloro-N (Zethyl 6 mehylpheny1)-
N (2-methoxy-l methylcthyl) acebm~de] and pnd~mehahn [N (I ethy1propyl)-3. 4d1mcthyl-2,6 dlnltroknzanamme]
applled separately, In mlxture and In comblnation with hand weed~ngT he dens~tya nd dry mass
of pass weeds were s~gnificantlyre duced by herblc~dca nd hand weedmg ucalments, a1 all stages of crop growth
Integralon of hcrblc~des and hand weedlng resulted In reduced dcns~ty and dry mass 01 broadlcavcd weeds In
companson wlh herblcldes applled alone Pre-emergence appllcatlons of pendlmcthal~n ( I 0 kg ha I) or mctolachlor
(1.0 kg ha I) were equivalent to a smgle hand weed~ng at 30 days aha sowmg (DAS) Inkgrabon of
herblclde and hand weedmg at 30 DAS gave wnslstcnt and effocuve weed control and h~gherp od yrclds over the
two years
Publisher Malaysian Plant Protection Society
Date 1991
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language en
Ramakrishna, A and Ong, C K and Reddy, S L N (1991) Integrated weed management for rainfed groundnut. Journal of Plant Protection in Tropics, 8 (2). pp. 111-119.