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Observational Data Repository

(Data from Observational Studies Collected by ICAR institutes)
(Agricultural Knowledge Resources and Information System Hub for Innovations)
(An initiative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

# Date Time (yyyy-mm-dd) Max Temp (°C) Min Temp (°C) Rainfall (mm) WS (km/hr) WDC-I (degrees) WDC-II (degrees) WC-I (degrees) WC-II (degrees) RH-I (%) RH-II (%) BSS (hrs) Evap (mm)
{{$index+1}} {{data.date}} {{data.maxTemp}} {{data.minTemp}} {{data.rainFall}} {{data.windSpeed}} {{data.wdcI}} {{data.wdcII}} {{data.weatherconI}} {{data.weatherconII}} {{data.rhI}} {{data.rhII}} {{data.bss}} {{data.evap}}

  • Temp: Temperature oC; RH: Relative Humidity(%); Rainfall (mm); WS: Wind Speed (Kmph); WDC: Wind Direction (degrees); WC: Weather Condition (See code); Light(w/m2); BSS: Bright Sun Shine (hours); Evap: Evaporation (mm).
  • Observation used: I: Observations taken at 7.21 hrs. and, II:Observations taken at 14:21 hrs.; Codes for WC: 0: Fair (clear and slightly clouded), 1: Variable Sky, 2: Mainly Overcast, 3: Sand Storm or Dust Storm, 4: Fog or Thick Dust Haze, 5: Drizzle, 6: Rain, 7: Snow or Sleet, 8: Shower (s), 9: Thunder Storm with or without Precipitation.
  • IARI: Latitude: 28o 38'23"N, Longitude:770 09'27"E., Altitude: 228.61m above msl.
  • The maximum number of records shown by default are current 50 records.
  • More details on data you may contact krishi.support@icar.gov.in
  • Blank Data: AWS is under maintenance.
  • If the data on current/past date is not available, it means that the website https://www.iari.res.in/bms/daily-weather/ is(was) down on those dates. Therefore, data displayed is for the date and time at which the above website was functional.

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