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Observational Data Repository

(Data from Observational Studies Collected by ICAR institutes)
(Agricultural Knowledge Resources and Information System Hub for Innovations)
(An initiative of Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

# Date (yyyy-mm-dd) MaxTemp (oC) MinTemp (oC) MaxRH (%) WindSpeed (km/hr) Rainfall (mm) PanEvaporation (mm)
{{$index+1}} {{data.date}} {{data.maxTemp}} {{data.minTemp}} {{data.maxRelativeHumidity}} {{data.windSpeed}} {{data.rainfall}} {{data.panEvaporation}}

  • MaxTemp:Maximum Temperature(oC); MinTemp: Minimum Temperature; MaxRH: Maximum Relative Humidity(%); Rainfall (mm); Date(YYYY-MM-DD); MaxTemp (oC):Maximum Temperature; MinTemp (oC): Minimum Temperature; MaxRH (%): Maximum Relative Humdity; WindSpeed (km/h); Rainfall (mm); PanEvaporation (mm)
  • NIASM: Latitude: 18031' 0.2136'' N, Longitude: 73051' 22.5180'' E, Altitude: 560m above msl.
  • The maximum number of records shown by default are current 50 records.
  • More details on data you may contact krishi.support@icar.gov.in
  • Blank Data: AWS is under maintenance.
  • If the data on current/past date is not available, it means that the website https://niasm.icar.gov.in/ is(was) down on those dates. Therefore, data displayed is for the date and time at which the above website was functional.
  • Please note that weather data are updated daily morning at 9 am only once excluding holidays and leaves.
  • Max Temp, Min Temp, RH all these parameters represents the values for period between (07:00 LMT) 7.32 am of prevoius day to (07:00 LMT) 7.32 am of the day of entry on website.
  • Rainfall and PavEvp represents cummulative value for the last 24 hrs ending on day of entry on to website 08:30 Hr IST and windspeed represents average value for the last 24 hrs ending at 08:30 Hr IST on the day of entry on website.

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