
CMFRI Repository

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  • » Inhibition of primary production as induced by heavy metal ions on phytoplankton...
    Kaladharan, P; Alavandi, S V; Pillai, V K; Balachandran, V K
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  • » Observations on some aspects of biology of Pentaprion longimanus (Cantor)
    Rao, T Appa
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  • » On a record of the spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus Olivier from Madras
    Radhakrishnan, E V; Vijayakumaran, M; Shahul Hameed, M
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  • » Electrophoretic study on muscle and eye lens proteins of three sciaenids
    Chakraborty, S K
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  • » An assessment of the penaeid prawn seed resource of the Godavari estuary and the...
    Rao, G Sudhakara
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  • » Relative efficiencies of different lipids and lipid levels in the diet of the prawn...
    Ahamed Ali, S
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  • » Bioaccumulation of trace metals by marine flora and Fauna near a caustic soda plant...
    Krishnakumar, P K; Pillai, V K; Valsala, K K
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  • » Effect of pollution due to coconut husk retting on the species diversity of benthic...
    Ambika Devi, M; Pillai, N G K
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  • » Observations on the breeding, larval development and taxonomic status of Macrobrachium...
    Pillai, N N
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  • » Volatilization of inorganic mercury by Isochrysis galbana Parke from aquatic system
    Alavandi, S V; Kaladharan, P; Pillai, V K
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  • » On the occurrence of chimaeroid egg capsule off Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar
    Arumugam, G; Balasubramanian, T S; Rajapackiam, S
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  • » Incidence of pseudohermaphroditism in the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (linnaeus)
    Radhakrishnan, E V; Vijayakumaran, M; Shahul Hameed, K
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  • » Observation on the seasonal prawn fishery of the Periathalai coast in the Gulf of Mannar
    Rajamani, M; Manickaraja, M
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  • » A synopsis of the early developmental stages of fishes of the genus Sardinella...
    Bensam, P
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  • » Eggs and early larvae of the sand whiting, Sillago sihama (Forsskal)
    Bensam, P
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  • » Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor in Otouthes ruber (Schneider,...
    Jayasankar, P
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  • » Distribution pattern of threadfin breams along North Tamil Nadu and south Andhra coasts
    Vivekanandan, E
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  • » Fishery, growth, yield per recruit and stock assessment of Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier...
    Mohamad Kasim, H; Balasubramanian, T S
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  • » Occurrence of Heterocarpus sibogae de Man and Plesionika williamsi Forest (Crustacea,...
    Suseelan, C
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  • » Studies on the spawning biology of the Trenched sardine, Sardinella sirm (Walbaum),...
    Lazarus, S
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  • » Hooks and line fishery for 'Kalava' at Cochin
    Mathew, Grace; Venugopal, K M
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  • » Population dynamics of the Bombay duck, Harpodon sehereus (Ham.), off Saurashtra coast
    Khan, Mohammad Zafar
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  • » Population dynamics of silverbelly Leiognathus jonesi James in the trawling grounds of...
    Karthikeyan, M; Pillai, N G K; Badrudeen, M
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  • » Studies on the reproductive biology of the brown prawn Metapenaeus monoceros...
    Rao, G Sudhakara
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  • » Seasonal variations in the abundance of penaeid prawn seed in relation to environmental...
    Easo, Sosamma; Mathew, K J
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376 - 400 of 14112 Items    << < 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 > >>