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  • » Assessing natural biological control of African rice gall midge (AfRGM) through habitat...
    Plant Health Initiative
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  • » Capacity development of national partners including rice farmers, young scientists &...
    Plant Health Initiative
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  • » Surveillance reports and data provided to decision makers within selected countries...
    Plant Health Initiative
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  • » Eco-friendly biopesticides for control of rice insect pests (African rice gall midge...
    Plant Health Initiative
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  • » Analysis of determinants of adoption of service-based business of digital agricultural...
    Amoussouhoui, R.; Arouna, A.; Bavorova, M.; Vladimir, V.; Yergo, Wilfried; Banout, J.
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  • » Creating markets for orphan crops: Bioversity International supports marketing link in...
    Bioversity International
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  • » The prospects of system of rice intensification adoption in Sri Lanka: A microeconomic...
    Namara, Regassa E.; Weligamage, P.; Barker, Randolph
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  • » Understanding human-fire interactions in tropical forest regions: a case for...
    Carmenta, R.; Parry, L.; Blackburn, A.; Vermeulen, Sonja J.; Barlow, J.
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  • » Characteristics of malaria vector breeding habitats in Sri Lanka: Relevance for...
    Hoek, Wim van der; Konradsen, Flemming; Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.; Amerasinghe, Felix P.
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  • » Stories of successful change from a nutrition sensitive agriculture intervention in...
    Ibrahim, Farhana Hussain; Rahaman, E.H.M.S.; Kawarazuka, Nozomi; Prain, Gordon
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  • » The context of REDD+ in Myanmar: Drivers, agents and institutions [Burmese]
    Oo, T.N.; Hlaing, E.E.S.; Aye, Y.Y.; Chan, N.; Maung, N.L.; Phyoe, S.S.; Thu, P.; Pham Thu Thuy; Maharani, C.; Moeliono, M.; Gangga, A.; Dwisatrio, B.; Kyi, M.K.M.; San, S.M.
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  • » Pongamia: A possible option for degraded land restoration and bioenergy production in...
    Leksono, B.; Rahman, S.A.; Larjavaara, M.; Purbaya, D.A.; Arpiwi, N.L.; Samsudin, Y.B.; Artati, Y.; Windyarini, E.; Sudrajat, D.J.; Aminah, A.; Maulana, A.M.; Bhatta, K.P.; Kwon, J.; Baral, H.
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  • » Agricultural land expansion and deforestation in Malawi
    Mindle, I.J.; Kowero, G.S.; Ngugi, D.; Luhanga, J.
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  • » Traditional food plants of the upper Aswa River catchment of northern Uganda—a cultural...
    Masters, E.T.
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  • » Sustaining Asia's groundwater boom: an overview of issues and evidence
    Shah, Tushaar; Roy, A.D.; Qureshi, Asad Sarwar; Wang, J.
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  • » Effects of drought stress on grain yield, agronomic performance, and heterosis of...
    Iseghohi, I.; Abe, A.; Meseka, S.K.; Mengesha Abera, W.; Gedil, Melaku; Menkir, A.
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  • » Editorial: Accelerating Genetic Gains in Pulses
    Pratap, Aditya; Agrawal, Shiv Kumar; Polowick, Patricia L.; Blair, Matthew W.; Baum, Michael
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  • » Cadmium-hazard mapping using a general linear regression model (Irr-Cad) for rapid risk...
    Simmons, Robert W.; Noble, A.D.; Pongsakul, P.; Sukreeyapongse, O.; Chinabut, N.
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  • » Memfasilitasi kerja sama di masa tak menentu: Gerakan spontan dan upaya keluar dari...
    Wollenberg, Eva K.; Iwan, R.; Limberg, G.; Moeliono, M.; Rhee, S.; Sudana, I.M.
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  • » Ensuring corporate-smallholder partnerships benefit all players and the environment
    Nawir, A.A.
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  • » Biotecnología para el manejo de plagas en la producción de semilla limpia
    Bellotti, Anthony C.; Roca, W.; Tohme, Joseph M.; Chavarriaga Aguirre, Paul; Escobar Pérez, Roosevelt H.; Herrera Fernández, C.J.
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  • » Prevalence and risk factors of Brucella spp. in goats in Borana pastoral area, Southern...
    Teshome, D.; Sori, T.; Banti, T.; Kidane, G.; Wieland, Barbara; Alemayehu, Gezahegn
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  • » Training of enumerators on data collection tools for the FoodSENSE survey in Mukono,...
    Ahumuza, Ronnie; Ouma, Emily A.; Hammond, James; Omosa, Esther B.; Mugumya, Roland
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  • » Characterization of peatland soils from the high andes by C NMR spectroscopy.
    Segnini, A.; Souza, A.A.; Novotny, E.H.; Bonagamba, T.J.; Posadas, A.; Quiróz, R.; Milori, D.M.B.P.; Neto, L.M.
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  • » Assessment of economic impact of priority animal disease (PPR, HS and Brucellosis) and...
    Govindaraj, G.N.; Bardhan, D.; Bahta, Sirak T.; Rich, Karl M.
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